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[Apache Freemarker] macro variable example

Macro variable stores a template fragment that can be used as user-defined directive. The variable also stores the name of allowed parameters to the user-defined directive. You must give value for all of those parameters when you use the variable as directive, except for parameters that has a default value. The default value will be used if and only if you don't give value for the parameter when you call the macro.

Here has two examples:
<#-- 取得現在時間 -->
<#assign aDateTime = .now>
<#-- 只保留日期 -->
<#assign aDate = aDateTime?date>
<#-- create the macro variable: -->
<#macro printDate mingguodate>

<#macro footer records amount>
${"-"?right_pad(25, "-")}
<#-- call the macro: -->
<@printDate mingguodate="${aDate?string.@mingguo}" />
<#assign total = 0>
${"-"?right_pad(25, "-")}
<#list rows as row>
<#assign total += row.price * row.quantity>
<#-- call the macro: -->
<@footer records="${rows?size?left_pad(10)}" amount="${total?string.@ntd?left_pad(10)}" />

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