1. Download SchemaSpy jar from http://schemaspy.org/
2. Downnload and install Graphviz from https://www.graphviz.org/
3. Download JDBC jar file for your target database
4. Execute command as bellows:
java -jar "F:\lib\schemaspy-6.0.0-rc2.jar" -dp "F:\sqljdbc_6.0\sqljdbc42.jar" -t mssql05 -db MyDB -host -port 1433 -u user -p secret -charset UTF-8 -o "F:\Schema" -hq
Commonly used parameters
- -jar: The location of schemaspy jar file
- -dp: NLooks for drivers here before looking in driverPath in [databaseType].properties. The drivers are usually contained in .jar or .zip files and are typically provided by your database vendor.
- -t: Type of database (e.g. ora, db2, etc.)
- -db: Name of database to connect to
- -host: Databas URL to connect to
- -port: Database port
- -u: Valid database user id with read access.
- -p: Valid password
- -charset: Assign character set
- -o: Directory to write the generated HTML/graphs to
- -hq: Generate either higher-quality diagrams.