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[PostgreSQL] window function: row_number() over (partition by col order by col)

Here has a query SQL statement and its result:
select p.identifier, i.value 
from project p, intent i
where identifier = 'qa_chat' and = i.project_id
order by desc
limit 10

We can find out the first column of the preceding picture has duplicate values (i.e. qa_chat), if I would like to leave blank when the value of first column is equal to preceding record:

We can use window function to fulfill this requirement, the SQL statement will look like:
with source as (
    select row_number() over(partition by p.identifier order by desc) as row_number, 
           p.identifier, i.value 
    from project p, intent i
    where identifier = 'qa_chat' and = i.project_id
    limit 10
select case when row_number = 1 then identifier else '' end as identifier, value
from source


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