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[XStram] XStream Annotation Example

If I would like to :
- annotate the list to be recognized as an implicit collection
annotate an alias the desired class / fields

Here has sample code:
public class XmlService {
    public String generateXmlString(Root xmlObject) {
        XStream xstream = new XStream();
        // Process the annotations of the given types and configure the XStream.
        xstream.processAnnotations(new Class[] { Root.class, MyObjectList.class, MyObject.class });
        String xml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n" + xstream.toXML(xmlObject);
        return xml;
    // create an alias to the desired class
    private static class MyObject {
        // ignore fields

    private static class MyObjectList {
        // whenever you have a collection which doesn't need to display it's root tag,
        // you can map it as an implicit collection
        private List<MyObject> resultObjects;

    // create an alias to the desired class
    private static class Root {
        // create an alias to the field
        private MyObjectList objectList = null;

The generated XML content looks like:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

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