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[Git] fatal:LF would be replaced by CRLF

As I try to use the git add command adds a change in the working directory to the staging area, it show the error:
fatal: LF would be replaced by CRLF

Here has a post to solve this problem:

But if I have hundreds of file have this problem, how to solve this problem?


Step 1. download file from

Step 2. Unzip and copy UNIX2DOS.EXE and UNIX2DOS.C to the root directory of your project.

Step 3. Assign the file extension you would like to do replacement in the command and execute this command:

for /f %f IN ( 'dir /b /s *.xml *.pom *.sha1' ) DO @unix2dos %f

Step 4. Remove  UNIX2DOS.EXE and UNIX2DOS.C from your project.

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