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[Programming] 不被誤解的名稱
1. 對於邊界的極值而言,最清楚的方式是在名稱前面加上max_或min_。以切字串為例,即長度第15個字以後以...表示,如"撰寫程式時,應該將讀者理解所需的時間降到最短"此段字串要回傳"撰寫程式時,應該將讀者理解所需..."
如在main method裡面分別呼叫clip與truncate兩個methods
以下是clip method的第二個parameter的命名
以下是truncate method的命名,改成用maxLength,相較於前者,較為明確、清楚
2. 加上is / has / can / should 可以讓boolean value更加明確
- 反覆思考名稱,自問別人會怎麼解釋這個名稱
- 對於邊界的極值而言,最清楚的方式是在名稱前面加上max_或min_
- 選擇boolean變數或回傳booleab值的函數名稱時,必須確保能清楚表示true / false的意義
- 一般來說,加上is / has / can / should 可以讓boolean value更加明確
- 避免在名稱中使用否定描述,如disableSSL,改用useSSL會比較容易閱讀且簡短
- 最好的名稱是最不容易被誤用的名稱,閱讀程式碼的人能夠清楚了解撰寫程式的人的意圖。不幸的是,許多英文單字在程式碼都會有兩種以上的解釋,如filter、length以及limit
- 在決定名稱前,要從反向思考,想像可能造成的誤解,最好的名稱能夠盡量避免誤會
- 對於定義數值的上下限,max與min是很有幫助的prefix;對於閉區間,first與last也是十分合適的prefix;對於半開放區間,begin與end是符合使用慣例的好選擇
- 注意使用者對特定單字的預期,如使用者會認為get與size是lightweight accessor
1. 對於邊界的極值而言,最清楚的方式是在名稱前面加上max_或min_。以切字串為例,即長度第15個字以後以...表示,如"撰寫程式時,應該將讀者理解所需的時間降到最短"此段字串要回傳"撰寫程式時,應該將讀者理解所需..."
如在main method裡面分別呼叫clip與truncate兩個methods
1 2 3 | String str = "撰寫程式時,應該將讀者理解所需的時間降到最短"; test.clip(str, 15); test.truncate(str, 15); |
以下是clip method的第二個parameter的命名
1 2 3 | public String clip(String text, int length) { return text.substring(0, length).concat("..."); } |
以下是truncate method的命名,改成用maxLength,相較於前者,較為明確、清楚
1 2 3 4 | // 改成maxLength,會更加清楚明瞭 public String truncate(String text, int maxLength) { return text.substring(0, maxLength).concat("..."); } |
2. 加上is / has / can / should 可以讓boolean value更加明確
1 2 3 4 5 | public Boolean authenticate(User user) { // do authentication, if failed Boolean checkPassword = Boolean.FALSE; return checkPassword; } |
1 2 3 4 5 | public Boolean authenticate(User user) { // do authentication, if failed Boolean userIsAuthnticated = Boolean.FALSE; return userIsAuthnticated; } |
SQL Developer 常用 hotkeys
- ctrl-enter : executes the current statement(s)
- F5 : executes the current code as a script (think SQL*Plus)
- ctrl-space : invokes code insight on demand
- ctrl-Up/Dn : replaces worksheet with previous/next SQL from SQL History
- ctrl-shift+Up/Dn : same as above but appends instead of replaces
- shift+F4 : opens a Describe window for current object at cursor
- ctrl+F7 : format SQL
- ctrl+/ : toggles line commenting
- ctrl+e : incremental search
[1] http://www.thatjeffsmith.com/archive/2012/11/keyboard-shortcuts-in-oracle-sql-developer/
[egit] Fail to change branch from master to another
I want to change branch from master to another branch (i.e. WebcommUpload0618 )
But it failed to change branch via egit.
As I change branch again, but it show this error message:
The problem is there are some source belong to another branch but copy to master, because egit fail to do rollback.
So it added some untracked files which belong to WebcommUpload0618 branch not master branch
1. use git status to list untracked files
2. use git clean -n to list the files which will be removed
3. use git clean -f to remove files
After cleaning untracking files, then I can change granch succesfully
[1] https://ihower.tw/git/basic.html
I want to change branch from master to another branch (i.e. WebcommUpload0618 )
But it failed to change branch via egit.
As I change branch again, but it show this error message:
The problem is there are some source belong to another branch but copy to master, because egit fail to do rollback.
So it added some untracked files which belong to WebcommUpload0618 branch not master branch
1. use git status to list untracked files
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 | albert@ALBERT-PC /D/git/dbm (master) $ git status On branch master Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'. Untracked files: (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed) dbm-service/src/main/java/gov/nta/dbm/repository/Dbm091fbRepository.java dbm-service/src/main/java/gov/nta/dbm/repository/impl/Dbm091fbRepositoryImpl.java dbm-service/src/main/java/gov/nta/dbm/service/Dbm016rService.java dbm-service/src/main/java/gov/nta/dbm/vo/Dbm016rData1Vo.java dbm-service/src/main/java/gov/nta/dbm/vo/Dbm016rData2Vo.java dbm-service/src/main/java/gov/nta/dbm/vo/Dbm016rData3Vo.java dbm-service/src/main/java/gov/nta/dbm/vo/Dbm016rData4Vo.java nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track) |
2. use git clean -n to list the files which will be removed
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | albert@ALBERT-PC /D/git/dbm (master) $ git clean -n Would remove dbm-service/src/main/java/gov/nta/dbm/repository/Dbm091fbRepository.java Would remove dbm-service/src/main/java/gov/nta/dbm/repository/impl/Dbm091fbRepositoryImpl.java Would remove dbm-service/src/main/java/gov/nta/dbm/service/Dbm016rService.java Would remove dbm-service/src/main/java/gov/nta/dbm/vo/Dbm016rData1Vo.java Would remove dbm-service/src/main/java/gov/nta/dbm/vo/Dbm016rData2Vo.java Would remove dbm-service/src/main/java/gov/nta/dbm/vo/Dbm016rData3Vo.java Would remove dbm-service/src/main/java/gov/nta/dbm/vo/Dbm016rData4Vo.java |
3. use git clean -f to remove files
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | albert@ALBERT-PC /D/git/dbm (master) $ git clean -f Removing dbm-service/src/main/java/gov/nta/dbm/repository/Dbm091fbRepository.java Removing dbm-service/src/main/java/gov/nta/dbm/repository/impl/Dbm091fbRepositoryImpl.java Removing dbm-service/src/main/java/gov/nta/dbm/service/Dbm016rService.java Removing dbm-service/src/main/java/gov/nta/dbm/vo/Dbm016rData1Vo.java Removing dbm-service/src/main/java/gov/nta/dbm/vo/Dbm016rData2Vo.java Removing dbm-service/src/main/java/gov/nta/dbm/vo/Dbm016rData3Vo.java Removing dbm-service/src/main/java/gov/nta/dbm/vo/Dbm016rData4Vo.java |
After cleaning untracking files, then I can change granch succesfully
[1] https://ihower.tw/git/basic.html
經常項目(recurrent items) vs 非經常項目(nonrecurrent items)
Security Analysis 一書中提到,依據個人情感、情緒所做的交易,通常都是錯誤的投資行為。你應該仔細去研讀投資標的的income statement (損益表)與balance sheet (資產負債表)。
當你在研讀income statement (損益表)時,要注意到經常項目(recurrent items)與非經常項目(nonrecurrent items)的區別。經常項目(recurrent items)代表是持續性的獲得或損失(或稱之為營業內),非經常項目(nonrecurrent items)代表偶然性的獲得或損失(或稱之為營業外)
舉個例子來說,以下圈選起來的項目,就屬於經常項目(recurrent items)
以下圈選起來的項目,屬於非經常項目(nonrecurrent items)
由以上例子可以得知,在研究公司的獲利能力時,不僅要看公司的利潤金額,還要看公司的利潤結構,區分利潤中哪些是可以持續獲得的,哪些是偶然獲得的。要把數字往下drill down分析,而不是只看表面的數字
[1] http://www.cmoney.tw/finance/f00041.aspx?s=2412
當你在研讀income statement (損益表)時,要注意到經常項目(recurrent items)與非經常項目(nonrecurrent items)的區別。經常項目(recurrent items)代表是持續性的獲得或損失(或稱之為營業內),非經常項目(nonrecurrent items)代表偶然性的獲得或損失(或稱之為營業外)
舉個例子來說,以下圈選起來的項目,就屬於經常項目(recurrent items)
以下圈選起來的項目,屬於非經常項目(nonrecurrent items)
由以上例子可以得知,在研究公司的獲利能力時,不僅要看公司的利潤金額,還要看公司的利潤結構,區分利潤中哪些是可以持續獲得的,哪些是偶然獲得的。要把數字往下drill down分析,而不是只看表面的數字
[1] http://www.cmoney.tw/finance/f00041.aspx?s=2412
[Programming] 富含資訊的名稱
1. 避免使用rtnVal,應給予有意義的名稱
2. 避免使用tmp
3. for-loop避免用 i, j, k 這樣的變數,尤其在nested loop你會改不清楚誰是誰
- 程式碼應該易於理解
- 撰寫程式時,應該將讀者理解所需的時間降到最短
- 雖然減少程式碼數量是個很好的目標,但縮短理解時間更加重要
- 實務上,讓程式碼易於了解,往往也會產生良好的架構且易於測試
- 無論是重新命名變數、函數或類別,基本原則大同小異。名稱可視為簡短的註解,即使空間有限,透過選擇好的名稱就能包含許多資訊
- retval這類名稱不包含任何有意的資訊,只能代表return value,應該使用能夠說明便數值意義的名稱
- tmp這樣的名稱,只適用於變數生命週期很短,且作為暫存用途的變數
- 變數名稱不宜太長,名稱愈長就愈不容易記住,也會佔用更多畫面空間,甚至造成額外的自動換行
1. 避免使用rtnVal,應給予有意義的名稱
1 2 3 4 5 | Double rtnVal = 0d; for (int i = 0; i < input; i++) { rtnVal += i * i; } return Math.sqrt(rtnVal); |
1 2 3 4 5 | Double sumSquares = 0d; for (int i = 0; i < input; i++) { sumSquares += i * i; } return Math.sqrt(sumSquares); |
2. 避免使用tmp
1 2 3 4 5 | public String demoForBadExample2(User user) { String tmp = user.getName(); tmp += " " + user.getEmail(); return tmp; } |
1 2 3 4 5 | public String demoForGoodEaxmple2(User user) { String userInfo = user.getName(); userInfo += " " + user.getEmail(); return userInfo; } |
3. for-loop避免用 i, j, k 這樣的變數,尤其在nested loop你會改不清楚誰是誰
1 2 3 4 5 | public void demoForBadExample3(List<User> users) { for (int i = 0; i < users.size(); i++) { System.out.println(users.get(i).toString()); } } |
1 2 3 4 5 | public void demoForGoodExample3(List<User> users) { for (int user_i = 0; user_i < users.size(); user_i++) { System.out.println(users.get(user_i).toString()); } } |
[Microsoft Outlook] reading pane had been disabled
One day I found out my reading panel had been disabled in Microsoft Outlook.
It is very inconvenient for me, because I cannot preview my email anymore.
Root Cause
Because of corporate's security policy, it disabled all employees' reading panel in everyone's Microsoft Outlook.
1. Start => type in "regedit" => enter
2. Find the registry : HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\office\14.0\Outlook\options
3. Change the value of property, disablereadingpane, from 1 to 0
4. Restart Microsoft Outlook
[1] http://www.slipstick.com/outlook/rules/disable-outlooks-reading-pane/
One day I found out my reading panel had been disabled in Microsoft Outlook.
It is very inconvenient for me, because I cannot preview my email anymore.
Root Cause
Because of corporate's security policy, it disabled all employees' reading panel in everyone's Microsoft Outlook.
1. Start => type in "regedit" => enter
2. Find the registry : HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\office\14.0\Outlook\options
3. Change the value of property, disablereadingpane, from 1 to 0
4. Restart Microsoft Outlook
[1] http://www.slipstick.com/outlook/rules/disable-outlooks-reading-pane/
Microsoft Office,
JoSQL (SQL for Java Objects)
If I have a Java collection as bellows:
If I would like to utilize SQL statements to do search, which tool can help me?
JoSQL (SQL for Java Objects) provides the ability for a developer to apply a SQL statement to a collection of Java Objects.
JoSQL provides the ability to search, order and group ANY Java objects and should be applied when you want to perform SQL-like queries on a collection of Java Objects.
Configure the two jar files in your classpath:

In this example, it will demonstrate:
[1] http://josql.sourceforge.net/
If I have a Java collection as bellows:
1 2 3 | Employee [empNo=1, name=Albert, gender=M, onBoardDate=Thu Feb 05 15:20:44 CST 2009] Employee [empNo=2, name=Mandy, gender=null, onBoardDate=Fri Mar 05 15:20:44 CST 2010] Employee [empNo=3, name=Verio, gender=M, onBoardDate=Thu Feb 05 15:20:44 CST 2009] |
If I would like to utilize SQL statements to do search, which tool can help me?
JoSQL (SQL for Java Objects) provides the ability for a developer to apply a SQL statement to a collection of Java Objects.
JoSQL provides the ability to search, order and group ANY Java objects and should be applied when you want to perform SQL-like queries on a collection of Java Objects.
Configure the two jar files in your classpath:

In this example, it will demonstrate:
- find all employee objects
- find all male employee objects
- find employee objects which named "Mandy"
- find all male employee object which onBoardDate between 2009/01/01 to 2009/12/31
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 | package test; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.List; import org.josql.Query; import org.josql.QueryExecutionException; import org.josql.QueryParseException; import org.josql.QueryResults; import test.vo.Employee; /** * The Class JoSqlTest. */ public class JoSqlTest { private List<Employee> employees = new ArrayList<Employee>(); /** * The main method. * * @param args * the arguments */ public static void main(String[] args) { JoSqlTest test = new JoSqlTest(); test.setupData(); test.findAllEmployees(); test.findAllMaleEmployees(); test.findByEmployeeName("Mandy"); test.findByGenderAndOnBoardDate("M", "2009/01/01", "2009/12/31"); } /** * Select all employees. */ public void findAllEmployees() { System.out.println("\n * find all employees"); String sql = "select * from test.vo.Employee"; // Create a new Query. Query query = new Query(); try { // Parse the SQL you are going to use. query.parse(sql); // Execute the query. QueryResults qr = query.execute(employees); // Get the query results. List<Employee> result = qr.getResults(); // Print search research for (Employee employee : result) { System.out.println(employee.toString()); } } catch (QueryParseException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (QueryExecutionException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * Select all male employees. */ public void findAllMaleEmployees() { System.out.println("\n * find all male employees"); String sql = "select * from test.vo.Employee where gender = :gender"; // Create a new Query. Query query = new Query(); try { // Parse the SQL you are going to use. query.parse(sql); // set variable query.setVariable("gender", "M"); // Execute the query. QueryResults queryResults = query.execute(employees); // Get the query results. List<Employee> result = queryResults.getResults(); // Print search research for (Employee employee : result) { System.out.println(employee.toString()); } } catch (QueryParseException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (QueryExecutionException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * Find by employee name. * * @param name * the name */ public void findByEmployeeName(String name) { System.out.println("\n * find by employee name"); String sql = "select * from test.vo.Employee where name = :name"; // Create a new Query. Query query = new Query(); try { // Parse the SQL you are going to use. query.parse(sql); // set variable query.setVariable("name", name); // Execute the query. QueryResults queryResults = query.execute(employees); // Get the query results. List<Employee> result = queryResults.getResults(); // Print search research for (Employee employee : result) { System.out.println(employee.toString()); } } catch (QueryParseException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (QueryExecutionException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * Find by gender and on board date. * * @param gender * the gender * @param fromDate * the from date * @param toDate * the to date */ public void findByGenderAndOnBoardDate(String gender, String fromDate, String toDate) { System.out.println("\n * find By Gender And OnBoardDate"); String sql = "select * from test.vo.Employee where gender = :gender " + " and onBoardDate between :fromDate and :toDate "; // Create a new Query. Query query = new Query(); try { // Parse the SQL you are going to use. query.parse(sql); SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd"); // set variable query.setVariable("gender", gender); query.setVariable("fromDate", dateFormat.parse(fromDate)); query.setVariable("toDate", dateFormat.parse(toDate)); // Execute the query. QueryResults queryResults = query.execute(employees); // Get the query results. List<Employee> result = queryResults.getResults(); // Print search research for (Employee employee : result) { System.out.println(employee.toString()); } } catch (QueryParseException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (QueryExecutionException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (ParseException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * Setup data. */ public void setupData() { System.out.println("\n * setup data"); Employee albert = new Employee(); albert.setEmpNo(1L); albert.setName("Albert"); albert.setGender("M"); Calendar cal1 = Calendar.getInstance(); cal1.set(Calendar.YEAR, 2009); cal1.set(Calendar.MONTH, 1); cal1.set(Calendar.DATE, 5); albert.setOnBoardDate(cal1.getTime()); Employee mandy = new Employee(); mandy.setEmpNo(2L); mandy.setName("Mandy"); Calendar cal2 = Calendar.getInstance(); cal2.set(Calendar.YEAR, 2010); cal2.set(Calendar.MONTH, 2); cal2.set(Calendar.DATE, 5); mandy.setOnBoardDate(cal2.getTime()); Employee verio = new Employee(); verio.setEmpNo(3L); verio.setName("Verio"); verio.setGender("M"); Calendar cal3 = Calendar.getInstance(); cal3.set(Calendar.YEAR, 2009); cal3.set(Calendar.MONTH, 8); cal3.set(Calendar.DATE, 10); verio.setOnBoardDate(cal1.getTime()); employees.add(albert); employees.add(mandy); employees.add(verio); } } |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 | * setup data * find all employees Employee [empNo=1, name=Albert, gender=M, onBoardDate=Thu Feb 05 16:00:48 CST 2009] Employee [empNo=2, name=Mandy, gender=null, onBoardDate=Fri Mar 05 16:00:48 CST 2010] Employee [empNo=3, name=Verio, gender=M, onBoardDate=Thu Feb 05 16:00:48 CST 2009] * find all male employees Employee [empNo=1, name=Albert, gender=M, onBoardDate=Thu Feb 05 16:00:48 CST 2009] Employee [empNo=3, name=Verio, gender=M, onBoardDate=Thu Feb 05 16:00:48 CST 2009] * find by employee name Employee [empNo=2, name=Mandy, gender=null, onBoardDate=Fri Mar 05 16:00:48 CST 2010] * find By Gender And OnBoardDate Employee [empNo=1, name=Albert, gender=M, onBoardDate=Thu Feb 05 16:00:48 CST 2009] Employee [empNo=3, name=Verio, gender=M, onBoardDate=Thu Feb 05 16:00:48 CST 2009] |
[1] http://josql.sourceforge.net/
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