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NHibernate.MappingException: No persister for: HelloNHibernate.vo.People

I am testing NHibnernate these days, but I get this kind of error message NHibernate.MappingException: No persister for: HelloNHibernate.vo.People

The cs name, package name are correct, but the console still report this error message.

Finally, I found out the root cause: all mapping files should be set Embedded Resource, then it can execture correctly.

right-click in XXX.hbm.xml->Properties->Build Action="Embedded Resource"


Sanjay Zalke said...

You are hero Albert!!!

The only person who pointed out the issue.


Vinh Vo said...

You are the man

stonenots said...

Thank you very much.

stonenots said...

Thanks a lot.