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談 Linux,Windows 和 Mac

這段時間受到很多人的來信。他們看了我很早以前寫的推崇 Linux 的文章,想知道如何“拋棄 Windows,學習 Linux”。天知道他們在哪裡找到那麼老的文章,真是好事不出門…… 我覺得我有責任消除我以前的文章對人的誤導,洗清我這個“Linux 狂熱分子”的惡名。我覺得我已經寫過一些澄清的文章了,可是怎麼還是有人來信問 Linux 的問題。也許因為感覺到“輿論壓力”,我把文章都刪了。

簡言之,我想對那些覺得 Linux 永遠也學不會的“菜鳥”們說:

  1. Linux Unix 裡面包含了一些非常糟糕的設計。不要被 Unix 的教條主義者嚇倒。學不會有些東西很多時候不是你的錯,而是 Linux 的錯,是“Unix 思想” 的錯。不要浪費時間去學習太多工具的用法,鑽研稀奇古怪的命令列。那些貌似難的,複雜的東西,特別要小心分析。
  2. Windows 避免了 UnixLinux Mac OS X 的很多問題。微軟是值得尊敬的公司,是真正在乎程式開發工具的公司。我收回曾經對微軟的鄙視態度。請菜鳥們吸收 Windows 設計裡面好的東西。另外 Visual Studio 是非常好的工具,會帶來程式設計效率的大幅度提升。請不要歧視 IDE。請正視 EmacsVIM 等文字編輯器的局限性。
  3. 學習作業系統最好的辦法是學會(真正的)程式設計思想,而不是去“學習”各種古怪的工具。所有作業系統,資料庫,Internet,以至於 WEB 的設計思想(和缺陷),幾乎都能用程式語言的思想簡單的解釋。
先說說我現在對 Linux 和相關工具(比如 TeX)的看法吧。我每天上班都用 Linux,可是回家才不想用它呢。上班的時候,我基本上只是盡我所能的改善它,讓它不要給我惹麻煩。Unix 有許許多多的設計錯誤,卻被當成了教條,傳給了一代又一代的程式師,惡性循環。Unix shell,命令,配置方式,圖形介面,都是相當糟糕的。每一個新版本的 Ubuntu 都會在圖形介面的設計上出現新的錯誤,讓你感覺歷史怎麼會倒退。其實這只是表面現象。Linux 所用的圖形介面(X Window)在本質上幾乎是沒救的。我不想在這裡細說 Unix 的缺點,在它出現的早期,已經有人寫了一本書,名叫 Unix Hater's Handbook,裡面專門有一章叫做 The X-Windows Disaster。它分析後指出,X Window 貌似高明的 client-server 設計,其實並不像說的那麼好。

這本書彙集了 Unix 出現的年代,很多人對它的咒駡。有趣的是,這本書有一個“反序言”,是 Unix 的創造者之一 Dennis Ritchie 寫的。我曾經以為這些罵 Unix 的人都是一些菜鳥。他們肯定是智商太低,或者被 Windows 洗腦了,不能理解 Unix 的高明設計才在那裡駡街。現在理解了程式語言的設計原理之後,才發現他們說的那些話裡面居然大部分是實話!其實他們裡面有些人在當年就是世界頂尖的程式設計高手,自己寫過作業系統和編譯器,功底不亞于 Unix 的創造者。在當年他們就已經使用過設計更加合理的系統,比如 MulticsLisp Machine 等。

可惜的是,在現在的作業系統書籍裡面,Multics 往往只是被用來襯托 Unix 的“簡單”和偉大。Unix 的書籍喜歡在第一章講述這樣的歷史:“Multics 由於設計過於複雜,試圖包羅萬象,而且價格昂貴,最後失敗了。” 可是 Multics 失敗了嗎?MulticsOberonIBM System/38 Lisp Machine,…… 在幾十年前就擁有了 Linux 現在都還沒有的好東西。Unix 裡面的東西,什麼虛擬記憶體,檔案系統,…… 基本上都是從 Multics 學來的。Multics 的機器,一直到 2000 年都還在運行。Unix 不但“竄改”了歷史教科書,而且似乎永遠不吸取教訓,到現在還沒有實現那些早期系統早就有的好東西。Unix 的設計幾乎完全沒有一致性和原則。各種工具程式功能重複,冗餘,沒法有效地交換資料。可是最後 Unix 靠著自己的“廉價”,“宗教”和“哲學”,戰勝了別的系統在設計上的先進,統治了程式師的世界。

如果你想知道這些“失敗的”作業系統裡面有哪些我們現在都還沒有的先進技術,可以參考這篇文章:Oberon - The Overlooked Jewel。它介紹的是 Niklaus Wirth(也就是 Pascal 語言的設計者)的 Oberon 作業系統。

勝者為王,可是 Unix 其實是一個暴君,它不允許你批評它的錯誤。它利用其它程式師的輿論壓力,讓每一個系統設計上的錯誤,都被說成是用戶自己的失誤。你不敢說一個工具設計有毛病,因為如果別人聽到了,就會以為你自己不夠聰明,說你“人笨怪刀鈍”。這就像是“皇帝的新裝”裡的人們,明明知道皇帝沒穿衣服,還要說“這衣服這漂亮”!總而言之,“對用戶友好”這個概念,在 Unix 的世界裡是被歧視,被曲解的。Unix 的狂熱分子很多都帶有一種變態的“精英主義”。他們以用難用的工具為豪,鄙視那些使用“對用戶友好”的工具的人。

我曾經強烈的推崇 FVWMTeX 等工具,可是現在擦亮眼睛看來,它們給使用者的介面,其實也是非常糟糕的設計,跟 Unix 一脈相承。他們把程式設計的許多沒必要的細節和自己的設計失誤,無情的暴露給用戶。讓用戶感覺有那麼多東西要記,仿佛永遠也沒法掌握它。實話說吧,當年我把 TeXbook 看了兩遍,做完了所有的習題(包括最難的“double bend”習題)。幾個月之後,幾乎全部忘記乾淨。為什麼呢?因為 TeX 的語言是非常糟糕的設計,它沒有遵循程式語言設計的基本原則。

這裡有一個鮮為人知的小故事。TeX 之所以有一個“擴展語言”,是 Scheme 的發明者 Guy Steele 的建議。那年夏天,Steele Stanford 實習。他聽說 Knuth 在設計一個排版系統,就強烈建議他使用一種擴展語言。後來 Knuth 採納了他的建議。不幸的是 Steele 幾個月後就離開了,沒能説明 Knuth 完成語言的設計。Knuth 老爹顯然有我所說的那種“精英主義”,他咋總是設計一些難用的東西,寫一些難懂的書? 

一個好的工具,應該只有少數幾條需要記憶的規則,就像象棋一樣。而這些源於 Unix 的工具卻像是“魔鬼棋”或者“三國殺”,有太多的,無聊的,人造的規則。有些人鄙視圖形介面,鄙視 IDE,鄙視含有垃圾回收的語言(比如 Java),鄙視一切“容易”的東西。他們卻不知道,把自己沉浸在別人設計的繁複的規則中,是始終無法成為大師的。就像一個人,他有能力學會各種“魔鬼棋”的規則,卻始終無法達到象棋大師的高度。所以,容易的東西不一定是壞的,而困難的東西也不一定是好的。學習電腦(或者任何其它工具),應該“只選對的,不選難的”。記憶一堆的命令,烏七八糟的工具用法,最後腦子裡什麼也不會留下。學習“原理性”的東西,才是永遠不會過時的。 

Windows 技術設計上的很多細節,也許在早期是同樣糟糕的。但是它卻向著更加結構化,更加簡單的方向發展。Windows 的技術從 OLECOM,發展到 .NET,再加上 Visual Studio 這樣高效的程式設計工具,這些帶來了程式師和用戶效率的大幅度提高,避免了 Unix C 語言的很多不必存在的問題。Windows 程式從很早的時候就能比較方便的交換資料。比如,OLE 讓你可以把 Excel 表格嵌入到 Word 文檔裡面。不得不指出,這些是非常好的想法,是超越“Unix 哲學”的。相反,由於受到“Unix 哲學”的誤導,Unix 的程式間交換資料一直以來都是用字串,而且格式得不到統一,以至於很多程式連拷貝粘貼都沒法正確進行。Windows 的“配置”,全都記錄在一個中央資料庫(註冊表)裡面,這樣程式的配置得到大大的簡化。雖然在 Win95 的年代,註冊表貌似老是惹麻煩,但現在基本上沒有什麼問題了。相反,Unix 的配置,全都記錄在各種稀奇古怪的設定檔裡面,分佈在系統的各個地方。你搞不清楚哪個設定檔記錄了你想要的資訊。每個設定檔連語法都不一樣!這就是為什麼用 Unix 的公司總是需要一個“系統管理員”,因為軟體工程師們才懶得記這些麻煩的東西。

再來比較一下 Windows Mac 吧。我認識一個 Adobe 的高級設計師。他告訴我說,當年他們把 Photoshop 移植到 Intel 構架的 Mac,花了兩年時間。只不過換了個處理器,移植個應用程式就花了兩年時間,為什麼呢?因為 Xcode 比起 Visual Studio 真是差太多了。而 Mac OS X 的一些設計原因,讓他們的移植很痛苦。不過他很自豪的說,當年很多人等了兩年也沒有買 Intel 構架的 Mac,就是因為他們在等待 Photoshop。最後他直言不諱的說,微軟其實才是真正在乎程式師工具的公司。相比之下,Apple 雖然對用戶顯得友好,但是對程式師的介面卻差很多。Apple 尚且如此,Linux 對程式師就更差了。可是有啥辦法呢,有些人就是受虐狂。自己痛過之後,還想讓別人也痛苦。就像當年的我。

我當然不是人云亦云。微軟在程式語言上的造詣和投入,我看得很清楚。我只是通過別人的經歷,來驗證我已經早已存在的看法。所以一再宣揚別的系統都是向自己學習的 Apple 受到這樣的評價,我也一點不驚訝。Mac OS X 畢竟是從 Unix 改造而來的,還沒有到脫胎換骨的地步。我有一個 Macbook Air,一個 iPhone 5,和一個退役的,裝著 Windows 7 T60。我不得不承認,雖然我很喜歡 Macbook iPhone 的硬體,但我發現 Windows 在軟體上的很多設計其實更加合理。

我為什麼當年會鄙視微軟?這很簡單。我就是跟著一群人瞎起哄而已!他們說 Linux 能拯救我們,給我們自由。他們說微軟是邪惡的公司…… 到現在我身邊還有人無緣無故的鄙視微軟,卻不知道理由。可是 Unix 是誰製造的呢?是 AT&T。微軟和 AT&T 哪個更邪惡呢?我不知道。但是你應該瞭解一下 Unix 的歷史。AT&T 當年發現 Unix 有利可圖,找多少人打了多少年官司?說微軟搞壟斷,其實 AT&T 早就搞過壟斷了,還被拆散成了好幾個公司。想想世界上還有哪一家公司,獨立自主的設計出這從底至上全套家什:程式語言,編譯器,IDE,作業系統,資料庫,辦公軟體,遊戲機,手機…… 我不得不承認,微軟是值得尊敬的公司。


當然我不是在這裡打擊 Linux Mac 而鼓吹 Windows。這些系統的紛爭基本上已經不關我什麼事。我只是想告訴新人們,去除頭腦裡的宗教,偏激,仇恨和鄙視。每次仇恨一個東西,你就失去了向它學習的機會。


The best programmers are the quickest to Google

You know the famous quote:
Never commit to memory what can be easily looked up in books” - Albert Einstein.
So unless you’ve already memorized that sorting algorithm by heart, why in the world would you want to spend 2 hours trying to figure it out yourself? Worst, why would you want to re-implement something half-assed from scratch when you can just find someone who’s done it before?
Excluding for fun and educational purposes, I can understand some reasons wanting to build out something proprietary long term, but chances are, unless you’re an absolute genius, the collaborative efforts of an open source project will beat whatever you can do in 8 hrs.
If you need to implement something in code and it’s not cutting edge technology, Google it first. If someone else hasn't already done it yet, you’re either Googling it wrong or way off in what you’re trying to accomplish. If you’ve given it your best effort, find someone to ask for help.
The best programmers I know understand how to architect and build large projects piece by piece. They can focus on the macro because don’t get hung up in the pieces. They know how to use Google to find solutions fast. DRY.





















13 Things You Should Never Say At Work

Here are 13 phrases that should be banned from the office:

  1. “It’s not fair.”
  2. “That’s not my problem,” “That’s not my job,” or “I don’t get paid enough for this.”
    • If your boss issues an unreasonable request, rather than saying, ‘You’ve got to be kidding me. I don’t get paid enough for this,’ instead say, ‘I’ll be glad to help. Given my current tasks of A, B, and C, which one of these shall I place on hold while I work on this new assignment?’ This clearly communicates teamwork and helpfulness, while reminding your boss of your current work load and the need to set realistic expectations.”
  3. “I think…”
    • To convey a command of content and passion for your subject, substitute the word ‘think’ with ‘believe’ and replace ‘might’ with ‘will.’”
  4. “No problem.”
    • In business and social situations, if you want to be perceived as well-mannered and considerate, respond to thank you’s with, “You’re welcome.”
  5. “I’ll try.”
    • “In your speech, especially with senior leaders, replace the word ‘try’ with the word and intention of ‘will.’
  6. “He’s a jerk,” or “She’s lazy,” or “My job stinks,” or “I hate this company.”
    • Avoid making unkind, judgmental statements that will inevitably reflect poorly on you. If you have a genuine complaint about someone or something, communicate the issue with tact, consideration and neutrality.
  7. “But we've always done it that way.”
    • This phrase reveals you are the opposite: stuck in the past, inflexible, and closed-minded. “Instead say, ‘Wow, that’s an interesting idea. How would that work?’ Or, ‘That’s a different approach. Let’s discuss the pros and cons.’”
  8. “That’s impossible” or “There’s nothing I can do.”
    • Instead, try something like, “I’ll be glad to check on it again,” “Let’s discuss what’s possible under these circumstances,” or, “What I can do is this.”
  9. “You should have…” or “You could have…”
    • Instead of making someone feel guilty (even if they are), take a more productive non-judgmental approach.” Say, “Next time, to ensure proper planning, please bring this to my attention immediately.” Or, “In the future, I recommend…
  10. “You guys.” 
    • With fellow professionals such as your boss, co-workers and clients, substitute “you guys” with terms such as “your organization” or “your team” or simply “you.”
  11. “I may be wrong, but…” or “This may be a silly idea, but…”
    • Eliminate any prefacing phrase that demeans the importance of who you are or lessens the significance of what you contribute
  12. “Don’t you think?” or “Okay?” 
    • if your goal is to communicate a confident commanding message and persuade people to see it your way, instead of hedging make your statement or recommendation with certainty. Imagine an investment banker saying, “This is a good way to invest your money, don’t you think? I’ll proceed, if that’s okay with you.” Instead, you’d probably want to hear something like: “This strategy is a wise investment that provides long-term benefits. With your approval, I’ll wire the money by 5pm today.”
  13. “I don’t have time for this right now,” or “I’m too busy.”
    • To foster positive relations and convey empathy, say instead: I’d be happy to discuss this with you after my morning meetings. May I stop by your office around 1pm?”

Web Refactoring


Top 6 Success Factors to Inspire a Team of Software Engineers

"You need a real vision, the trust of team members, the accountability for execution and a lot of passionHigh emotional intelligence will be important to give advice and support in an appropriate way.  Don't forget to have strong luck and fortune."


3 Recommendation on Software Management

Contractor is not an employee
In software management, is normally best practice, well used, to use contractors for development, to train new employees or to make innovation analysis on new technologies. You should not use contractors for maintenance jobs.

Never buy from the same Vendor. Competition is the key to keep control
Market and Competition are the key. Buy from different vendor and make them compete to deliver better quality. If you successfully make it, you will gain control and you will simplify the replacement of people, if needed. 
A good manager is going to give to any company the same possibility and opportunities to get visibility and to struggle to delivery in time and with quality. 

Don’t ask or impose people to decommission themselves
If you have the mandate to rebuild or replace some legacy project or application, you should never ask to do that to people that have worked there for more than 2 years. The obvious consequence is a lot of resistance and contrast on your way to get your mission.
I personally would create a team (not bigger than 5 people, but depends) with basically three different roles: 1 business expert (or Product Owner), 1 technical lead and developers (50 % of them can be an offshore team after the first 4/6 months). The legacy team would be in charge of the legacy documentation, and to support the new team on the implementation. They  would communicate only with the business expert.


How to extract unique distinct values from a column

Unique distinct values are all cell values but duplicate values are removed.

Example sheet - How to remove duplicate values
Column A contains names, some cells have duplicate values. 

Step 1. Select column which have duplicate values

Step 2. Click REMOVE DUPLICATE button

Step 3. Click OK button

Step 4.  Click OK button

Step 5. Get distinct value



昨日在「上班這檔事」,看到來賓提到高股息ETF(Exchange Traded Funds,指數股票型基金)此股票,感覺是風險較低的投資方式,比把錢放在銀行好多了



Tips on how to write a clean and meaningful code

Tip: Names for variables and methods/functions
Tip: Comments may be misleading
Tip: Separate method/function for each task
Tip: Separate classes if possible
Tip: Don't repeat yourself
Tip: Handle the exceptions
Tip: As few arguments for functions as possible
Tip: Leave SOME whitespace


20 Kick-ass programming quotes

1. “There are two ways of constructing a software design: One way is to make it so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies, and the other way is to make it so complicated that there are no obvious deficiencies. The first method is far more difficult.”
- C.A.R. Hoare (British computer scientist, winner of the 1980 Turing Award)

2. “If debugging is the process of removing software bugs, then programming must be the process of putting them in.”
- Edsger Dijkstra (Dutch computer scientist, winner of the 1972 Turing Award)

3. “Measuring programming progress by lines of code is like measuring aircraft building progress by weight.”
- Bill Gates (co-founder of Microsoft)

4. “Nine people can’t make a baby in a month.” (regarding the addition of more programmers to get a project completed faster)
- Fred Brooks (American computer scientist, winner of the 1999 Turing Award)

5. “Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it.”
- Brian W. Kernighan (Canadian computer scientist, co-author of “C programming language”)

6. “Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live.”
- Martin Golding

7. “C makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot; C++ makes it harder, but when you do, it blows away your whole leg.”
- Bjarne Stroustrup (Danish computer scientist, developer of the C++ programming language)

8. “When debugging, novices insert corrective code; experts remove defective code.”
- Richard Pattis

9. “Computer science education cannot make anybody an expert programmer any more than studying brushes and pigment can make somebody an expert painter.”
- Eric S. Raymond (American programmer, open source software advocate, author of “The Cathedral and the Bazaar”)

10. “Most good programmers do programming not because they expect to get paid or get adulation by the public, but because it is fun to program.”
- Linus Torvalds (Finnish American, software engineer and hacker, principal force behind the development of the Linux kernel)

11. “Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.”
- Rich Cook

12. “Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand.”
- Martin Fowler (author and speaker on software development)

13. “Good code is its own best documentation. As you’re about to add a comment, ask yourself, ‘How can I improve the code so that this comment isn’t needed?’”
- Steve McConnell (author of many software engineering books including “Code Complete”)

14. “The problem with using C++ … is that there’s already a strong tendency in the language to require you to know everything before you can do anything.”
- Larry Wall (developer of the Perl language)

15. “People think that computer science is the art of geniuses but the actual reality is the opposite, just many people doing things that build on each other, like a wall of mini stones.”
- Donald Knuth (computer scientist)

16. “One of my most productive days was throwing away 1000 lines of code.”
- Ken Thompson (computer scientist, early developer of UNIX OS)

17. “Most software today is very much like an Egyptian pyramid with millions of bricks piled on top of each other, with no structural integrity, but just done by brute force and thousands of slaves.”
- Alan Kay (American computer scientist)

18. “Before software can be reusable it first has to be usable.”
- Ralph Johnson (computer scientist)

19. “Programming is like sex. One mistake and you have to support it for the rest of your life.”
- Michael Sinz

20) “If builders built buildings the way programmers wrote programs, then the first woodpecker that came along wound destroy civilization.”
- Gerald Weinberg (American computer scientist)


Coding Guidelines for the Developer During Development

1)Do use the Transactions in long running queries and many small-small queries


3)Avoid explicit or implicit functions in WHERE clauses

4) Avoid long actions in triggers if using

5) Use temporary tables and table variables appropriately

6)As a good rule of thumb try to replace all sub queries with joins

7)Order of Tables in Join Conditions.

8)Loop optimization

9)Parameter sniffing

10)Can use Fixed Index Hint while using the conditions

11)Size the data type wisely in the SP during declaration.

12)Efficient use of MAXDOP setting within query.


14)Always use the With rowlock, with no lock where occurring deadlocks.

15)Use Update From Rather than simply Update

16) UNION ALL instead of UNION

17) Avoid expensive operators such as NOT LIKE


























  1. 別跟那些沒有個人生活的老闆
  2. 別跟那些總是遷怒於你的老闆
  3. 別跟那些總是扮演搞笑角色的老闆
  4. 別跟總是掙扎求生的老闆
  5. 別跟那些總是誇誇其談的老闆
  6. 別跟那些總是和你爭的老闆
  7. 避免那些總是說個不停的老闆
  8. 別跟那些總是忙忙碌碌的老闆
  9. 別跟那些沉迷於聲色犬馬的老闆
  10. 別跟那些能活吃了你的老闆

Failed to Apply Thousand Seperator / Text Pattern

I had set the text pattern to "#,##0", but it is not working.

Here is the setting in iReport

But it does not work as expected.

The root cause result from the expression class of this text field is java.lang.String. As I change to java.math.BigDecimal. It works now.


8 Common Code Violations in Java

  1. Format source code and Organize imports in Eclipse
  2. Avoid multiple returns (exit points) in methods
  3. Simplify if-else methods
  4. Do not create new instances of Boolean, Integer or String
  5. Name public static final fields in UPPERCASE
  6. Combine multiple if statements into one
  7. switch should have default
  8. Avoid duplicate string literals, instead create a constant


Best Practices to Make Life Easier for the Programmer

Should you ever need a variable that is not changing over time (or in many cases just one time), you should use constants. Constants are quick-to-find variables and they help you minimize memory usage.

The term ‘configuration’ means variables that are used a lot and rarely change but can be changed in the middle of execution, if needed. Constants can be made as configurations if it can be changed in the middle of execution. Otherwise, leave it as a constant.

Access Control
So many programmers don’t care about access-level modifiers. If you need broader access, use protected and, as a last resort, public access. This way you can protect your specific method or member from the ‘outside world’.

Comments let you remember code snippets, algorithms, sort methods, even randomized numbers you’ve created before. This is a big advantage if you’re working on a team. Because of comments, other people will understand your intentions.


2012/08 神戶京都之旅




Kobe Tower


Kyoto Tower







Clear IE Cache Through Command Line

Owing to Microsoft IE will cache JavaScript, CSS files, so it may not recognize when we update JavaScript or CSS files. 
We need to clear browser cache every time, when we update JavaScript or CSS files.

Windows provides command line to clear IE cache
  • All : RunDll32.exe InetCpl.cpl,ClearMyTracksByProcess 255 
  • History : RunDll32.exe InetCpl.cpl,ClearMyTracksByProcess 1
  • Cookies : RunDll32.exe InetCpl.cpl,ClearMyTracksByProcess 2
  • Temp Internet Files : RunDll32.exe InetCpl.cpl,ClearMyTracksByProcess 8
  • Form Data : RunDll32.exe InetCpl.cpl,ClearMyTracksByProcess 16
  • Passwords : RunDll32.exe InetCpl.cpl,ClearMyTracksByProcess 32
We need to clear cookies and temp internet files, so we copy the two commands into text file, and save as a bat file. Then move to C:\

And create a shortcut on your desktop.

As you need to clear browser cache, just click the batch file. It will clear cookies and temp internet files automatically.


1. 在不同專案間調動人力,或不斷換人處理專案。
2. 缺乏適當規劃所造成的浪費。
3. 每次救火都會產生浪費。
4. 超時加班導致浪費。
5. 當專案變調或取消,就會產生浪費。
6. 士氣低落所導致的浪費。
7. 多工也會造成浪費。


What's difference between an empty string and a null value

Question: What is the difference between an "empty" value and a "null" value? 
Answer: An empty string is treated as a null value in Oracle.

NIGT013.COLL_B_DATE is null, and apply NVL2 to  substitute a value (i.e. empty string) when a null value is encountered.

But it showed null value in report. It results from an empty string is treated as a null value in Oracle

Therefore, in order to show non-null value in my report. Substitute two spaces when a null value is encountered.

Then it won't show null value in report anymore.


7 Application Deployment Best Practices

  1. Keep the installation structure SIMPLE. 
  2. Always get rid of old files. 
  3. Automate it 
  4. Don’t over do it with the symlinks
  5. Delete everything first. 
  6. Have a roll back strategy.
  7. Don’t make changes to your deploy mechanism or deploy scripts between deploying to different environments. 


Top 7 programmers bad habits

1. The all code is crap, except mine, attitude.
2. The “I fix that in a second” catastrophe.
3. The “That will only take a second” misconception.
4. The ego spiral.
5. “It wasn’t me!”
6. The demotivated genius.
7. The premature programmer.


10 project management lessons from the Titanic disaster

1: You need to know what you’re measuring
Frederick Brook says, milestones should be objectively measurable. If you do not have valid measurements for your project, you will run into problems.

2: Assumptions can kill you
Maybe we assumed that a particular system was using a newer software release than it actually was. 
Maybe we assumed that another department would take care of ordering cable.
Maybe we assumed that the vendor received our critical email message. 
Assumptions are important in your work, but if you proceed on the basis of them, make sure everyone is clear about what assumptions you are making.

3: Distractions are dangerous
If enough members of your team encounter enough distractions, your project will gradually fall behind.

4: Little things add up
The small delays are just as critical as the large ones, meaning that adherence to milestones is critical to the success of a project.

5: Stakeholders should be kept informed
Our stakeholders need to know about the status and progress of your project. Keeping them informed will keep them happier.

6: Other people’s perspectives matter
If a client asks a question, try to see beyond the question itself to the motivation behind the question. 
If a technical person is explaining a function of a system or program, make sure the explanation avoids jargon. 
Clear communication will lead to happier clients.

7: Moving targets can hurt you
Any change is rarely “small.” Rather, it typically involves changes to other parts of a system, results in greater complexity, and requires more testing.

8: Traceability is essential
How familiar are you with the strategic objectives of your company? 
Can you find a logical connection between the requirements of your project and those strategic objectives? 

9: Methodology is more important than technology
You might want to use sophisticated planning and tracking software and tools. 
More important, though, is that your plan be solid. 
The best software in the world will not save a poorly designed plan.

10: Documentation may have lasting benefits
Documentation is often the most important part of the project because it may exist long after the project team has disbanded.


Becoming A Better Developer

  • Motivation
    • If you’re not growing, you’re dying…
  • Confidence
    • Good developers are usually quite confident in their abilities. Why? Because they know that they have put in the effort to truly understand what they are talking about. Be confident in what you know.
  • Choose Concepts Over Implementations
    • If you understand the concepts, that enables two things. 
      • First, you can use those concepts in other languages with ease. But far more importantly it lets you think abstractly about different ways to solve a problem. 
      • It also lets you learn from other communities. So rather than waiting for somebody else to solve a problem in your language, or looking for help in your language, you can look anywhere for help. 
  • Read At Least One Book per Week (well~it's very difficult for me >_<)
    • There are two main things that you’ll benefit from with this approach. 
      • First, by reading actual books, you’ll focus on exploring a concept in depth.
      • The second advantage to the one-book-per-week approach is that it will make you push your boundaries. 
  • Share Your Knowledge
    • The best way to learn is to teach.
  • Become a Mentor
    • The important thing is to look at the mistakes they are making and help them to understand why they are making the mistake. The obvious benefit here is that you are “paying back” the community and investing in the future of the industry.

For complete information :


Apache Commons應用 - CollectionUtils


根據user requirement要求的輸出結果,並不是按照tax code或者tax name的筆劃順序進行排序,此部份必須要根據query回來的的結果來做加工。


從SQL回傳回來的結果會是一個List of value object,以目前的條件,只會有兩個value object,分別是「營利事業所得稅」與「期貨交易稅」。

  1. 建立一個新的List物件, List result = new ArrayList();
  2. 根據回傳回來的list of value object來進行判斷
    1. List中是否有「營業事業所得稅」的資料
      • 若「有」,從List中找出該object,並add到新的List物件
      • 若「無」,add一筆空的資料到新的List物件
    2. List中是否有「 綜合所得稅 」的資料
      • 若「有」,從List中找出該object,並add到新的List物件
      • 若「無」,add一筆空的資料到新的List物件
    3. List中是否有「 遺產稅 」的資料
      • 若「有」,從List中找出該object,並add到新的List物件
      • 若「無」,add一筆空的資料到新的List物件
    4. 「 贈與稅 」、「 貨物稅 」、「 菸酒稅 」、「 證券交易稅 」、「 期貨交易稅 」、「 營業稅 」、「 特銷稅 」依此類推

Apache Commons有提供CollectionsUtils此API,其提供不少utility method來針對Collection物件進行一些處理,根據以上需求有兩個:

  1. 從List中check是否有存在特定的object
  2. 從List中取得特定的object

1:  private static boolean is35Exist(List list) {  
2:      return CollectionUtils.exists(list, new Predicate() {  
3:        @Override  
4:        public boolean evaluate(Object obj) {  
5:          NIG630ReportBean bean = (NIG630ReportBean) obj;  
6:          return "營利事業所得稅".equals(bean.getTaxNm());  
7:        }  
8:      });  
9:    }  

1:  private static NIG630ReportBean find35(List list){  
2:      return (NIG630ReportBean) CollectionUtils.find(list, new Predicate() {  
3:        @Override  
4:        public boolean evaluate(Object obj) {  
5:          NIG630ReportBean bean = (NIG630ReportBean) obj;  
6:          return "營利事業所得稅".equals(bean.getTaxNm());  
7:        }  
8:      });  
9:    }  

Stop Redeploying in iReport Development

以下是本案的project structure:

所有的jrxml放在jasperreports folder中,當jrxml有異動,處理程序如下:
1. 執行maven build
2.  將jrxml compile成jasper file會搬到nig-web\src\main\webapp\WEB-INF\classes\META-INF\jasperreport
3. 包成ear file
4. deploy到application server

在用iReport開發的時候,最浪費時間的部份,就是在我們無論做任何的細微的修改,如果要看到修改後的結果,都要將jrxml compile成jasper,然後redeploy到application server,此過程曠日廢時,浪費許多寶貴的開發時間。

Step1. 打開iReport工具-->工具--選項

Step2. iReport--> Compilation and execution--> unchecked "Use Report Directory to compile"-->將「nig-web\src\main\webapp\WEB-INF\classes\META-INF\jasperreports」貼進 "Compilation directory"-->click 「確定」按鈕

設定完成後,當我們在iReport Designer做任何異動,click "Compile Report" button,iReport會自動將jasper file搬移到指定目錄,application server會自動抓到最新的jasper file,不用再rebuild and redeploy了。

iReport print when expression 應用


原本iReport designer中的作法,是將line放在detail band中的fields下方,screenshot如下:


step1. 將分隔線放到detail band的fields上方,如此一來,列印順序是line-->data-->line-->date-->line-->data,以此類推

 step2. 由於列印順序是line-->data-->line-->data-->line-->data,為了滿足需求,只要讓第一次出現line的時候,不要讓顯示出來就好。此時,click line,並在attribute視窗中的print when expression輸入條件,當是第一筆的時候,不要印出line,從第二筆資料開始即可。


Project Manager and Subject Matter Expert

對於project manager這個角色,到底需不需要有技術能力,一直是常在爭論的議題。

他提到了,如果是technical project manager可以帶來幾個好處

  1. 遇到問題的時候,他更能掌握問題的難度,更能掌握要花多少時間來解決這個問題,對於時程的掌握會更踏實
  2. 你對於你的團隊更有同理心,因為你知道問題的難度。project manager總是想急著解決問題,常會脫口而出:『這個問題有這麼難嗎?有需要這麼久嗎?』
  3. 由於你有技術的底子,對於某些問題,若有過往的經驗,可以更快找出解決方案,並帶了團隊走向正確的方向,避免花額外的時間去做trial and error


  • Scope and Schedule – If you have a background in the project you are managing it becomes much easier to understand what the project is trying to accomplish.  This helps you in defining the scope of the project and setting the schedule.  You will know roughly how long it takes to build a server, install a circuit, or design a network.
  • Empathy – If you understand the work, it makes it much easier to empathize with the team.  I have built some strong relationships with the network engineers I work with, because they think of me as one of them and not just another project manager.  A project manager should never under estimate the value of relationships.
  • Misinformation and Solutions – You will have a much better sense of when you are getting the wrong information and be able to contribute to solutions.
  • Ramp Up – Most projects start life underfunded and behind schedule.  It is an unfortunate fact of life for project managers.  If you know the subject matter, you will spend more time focused on the project than trying to understand it.  This will save you significant precise time.



5 Reasons Why Software Quality Matters to your Business

Do it once and do it right, and there will be less re-work, less variation in productivity and better performance overall.

Some companies have a reputation for building quality software. 
A good, solid reputation is hard to establish and easy to lose, but when your company has it, it’s a powerful business driver. 

Employee Morale
The most productive and happy employees have pride in their work. Enabling employees to build quality software will drive a much higher level of morale and productivity.

Customer Satisfaction
A quality product satisfies the customer. A satisfied customer comes back for more and provides positive referrals. 

Bottom Line
Predictable and productive performance, a stellar reputation, happy employees, and satisfied customers are the formula for a successful software business.