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Showing posts with label Flex. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Flex. Show all posts


Plugin Flex Formatter in your Flex Builder

1. Go to download zip file from

2. As you unzip it, you can find out three jar files

3. Navigate to Flex Builder's folder, copy the three jar files into plugin folder. Before you do it, please close your Flex Builder first.

4. Restart your Flex Builder

5. You will have five new formating-related buttons in your Flex Builder

Formating result

Or just right-click your mouse, then you can see its menu.


Insall Flex SDK on Mac

1. go to download Flex SDK:
2. open terminal
3. Type in cd ~. Move to home directory
3. Type in sudo vi .bash_profile
4. Type in your root password

You might see a screen that looks like this

6. Type i for Insert

7. Hit Escape to stop editing
Type :wq (this will write the file and then quit) and hit enter

9. Close Terminal
10. Open up Terminal again
11. Type in echo $PATH to verify that the path has been saved.

12. type in mxmlc -help to verify

If you want to modify the path, just do this process again.
If you want to remove this path, just remove .bash_profile[rm .bash_profile]

Install debug version of flash player

If you do not install debug version of flash play, you will get this warning message in Flex Builder as you run debug mode

1. Go to, choose suitable version to download

2. And install it, step by step

Finally, you can see the debug message in debug console