albert's blog
[SQL Server] IF EXISTS update else insert
Scenario If I would like to implement a SQL statement to fulfill the following requirement, how to do it? How-To You can utilize if e...
[Java] [Design Pattern] An example for Template Method Pattern
Here has four steps to demonstrate template method pattern: 1. Create an abstract class with a template method being final. package co...
[Database] [Sybase] arithmetic overflow error
Problem When I try to sum up a integer column in Sybase, I get arithmetic overflow error , how to fix it? SELECT SUM (columnname) FRO...
[Angular 6] Can't bind to 'ngModel' since it isn't a known property of 'input'
Problem When I try to run my html page, it showed the following error message: When I try to run my html page, it showed the following ...
[Spring Boot] How to configure multiple datasource in Spring boot?
Problem I have Sybase and Microsoft SQL Server database connection in my Spring boot, how to configure two data source in my project? Syb...
[Chrome] JSON Formatter Plugin
Problem I am using Spring Actuator to monitor our app, gathering metrics, understanding traffic or the state of our database becomes trivia...
[Eclipse] Get the power to write better code with sonarlint
You can install sonarlint plugin to get the power to write better code. For example, if you forgot to close IO resource properly, you will...
[閱讀筆記] 人類大命運 (1/8)
現在的大多數國家,真正遠遠更嚴重的並不是饑荒,反而是飲食過量 。在十八世紀,據說法國王后瑪麗安東尼,曾向挨餓的民眾說,如果沒有麵包可以吃,何不吃蛋糕呢?但今天的窮人真的如此!現今,住在比佛利山莊的有錢人吃生菜沙拉、清蒸豆腐佐紅藜,而住在貧民區的小女生則是大口嚼著美國的國民...
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