albert's blog
[閱讀筆記] The Long Tail (1/2)
不要一直想要征服大眾市場,因為那邊有太多強敵與競爭。一定要找到自己的利基,只要能夠把一群小眾的消費者顧好,你就會有很大的生存空間 市場上還是會有暢銷品,只是過去「只有」暢銷品,未來會被分成:有一些暢銷品,以及很多利基產品。暢銷品的市佔率從過去50%以上,可能會降至20...
[DB2] Use getNextException() to retrieve the exceptions for specific batched elements. ERRORCODE=-4229, SQLSTATE=null
Problem When I using Apache Commons DBUtils to do batch insert data into IBM DB2, I get this SQLException: 1 2 3 SQL Message: [ jcc ...
How to Improve Code Coverage After Using Apache Lombok?
Problem After using Project Lombok, we can find out it help use reduce our boilerplate code. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14...
[Squirrel SQL Client] Is it possible to have Squirrel SQL auto-resize the column width of the result set?
Problem Is it possible to have Squirrel SQL auto-resize the column width of the result set? How-To Steps: (1) move your mouse to qu...
[Tools] [Text Compare] How to Compare Two Lengthy JSON String
Problem I have two lengthy JSON String, if I would like to compare the difference between the two JSON string, how to do it? How-To Here...
[SQL Server] How to find similar table / column name by SQL
I am using Microsoft SQL Server... If I would like to get a list of table name which table name has %arap% , you can use this SQL statemen...
[webMethods] How to Restart / Shutdown / Startup Integration Server
Problem 若我要重新啟動 integration server 的話,該去哪裡執行重啟 How-To 有兩個方式: (1) 到遠端到安裝 integration server 的機器,到 SoftwareAG 的安裝目錄下,如 [SoftwareAG_HOME]\...
[webMethods] 如何更新 integration server 的 trial license
Problem 今天當我 log in 到 webMethods integration server 的 administration console 時,出現 trial license 即將 expire 的 warning message How-To ...
[webMethods] Software AG Designer 無法編輯 Document Type, Flow Service
Problem 當我要編輯先前已經開發好的 document type, flow service 時,發現無法進行編輯,相關可編輯的選項都被 disabled How-To 在欲編輯的 document type 或 flow service 中,按下右鍵,選擇...
[Lombok] Utilize @Builder annotation to produce complex builder APIs for your classes
Problem If you would like to apply builder pattern in your Java class, the class will looks like: package albert.practice.designPattern.bu...
[閱讀筆記] 惡魔財經辭典 (The Devil’s Financial Dictionary) [4/6]
投資人的一種習性是,對真正便宜的東西視而不見,就像羊群一樣成群移動,而不是自己獨立思考。人多會追求安全感,所以投資人買進某一項資產並不是因為該資產的價值被低估,而是因為「其他人」都在買;賣出資產也不是因為某種基本面的原因,而是因為「其他人」都在賣 Heuristics...
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