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[Tools] 如何建立文字雲 (word cloud)
可以使用此網站,且支援繁體中文: 假設我有多筆消費者所在地的消費資料,將資料內容貼到 word list 中,並按下 [apply] 按鈕 如此即可輕鬆產生 word cloud 亦可選擇你想要...
[Chrome] JSON Formatter Plugin
Problem I am using Spring Actuator to monitor our app, gathering metrics, understanding traffic or the state of our database becomes trivia...
[Tool] [SoapUI] How to setup SOAP Web Service HTTP Basic Authentication
Scenario How-To Here has two steps to set up HTTP Basic Authentication : Step 1. Invoke context menu, and choose "Show Interfac...
[SoapUI] A class/interface with the same name "xxxx" is already in use. Use a class customization to resolve this conflict.
Problem When I try to generate SOAP web service client code via SoapUI, I get naming conflict exception: [ ERROR ] A class / interface ...
[Tools] [Cmder] 如何修改開啟 Cmder 的初始路徑
Problem 我希望打開 Cmder 後,預設路徑是 F:\git How-To Settings => Startup => Tasks => {cmd:Cmder} => 增加 -new_console:d:"F:\git...
[Tools] [Cmder] 繁體中文亂碼問題
Problem 當我透過 Cmder 要查看 commit history 時,發現 Cmder 無法正確顯示繁體中文 How-To Settings => Startup => Environment => 在環境變數增加 set LANG=zh...
[Java] [Tool] How to generate Java code from WSDL via SoapUI?
Problem How to generate Java code from WSDL via SoapUI? How-To Assume I have a WSDL file: http://localhost:8080/ws/eaWs.wsdl Prerequis...
[SQuirreL SQL Client] How to change font size and font type in SQL entry area ?
Problem How to change font size and font type in SQuirreL SQL Client's SQL entry area ? How-To Step 1. File => New Session Proper...
[SchemaSpy] How to generate SQL Server schema document via SchemaSpy
Steps 1. Download SchemaSpy jar from 2. Downnload and install Graphviz from 3. Download J...
[SQuirreL SQL Client] How to avoid An I/O error occurred while sending to the backend error
Problem I am using SQuirreL SQL Client as my database client tool, but it is very annoying to get this error message when I do not use for ...
[Tools] How to format JSON string in Notepad++
Problem How to format JSON string in Notepad++? How-To You can download JSONViewer Notepad++ plugin,
[Squirrel SQL Client] Is it possible to have Squirrel SQL auto-resize the column width of the result set?
Problem Is it possible to have Squirrel SQL auto-resize the column width of the result set? How-To Steps: (1) move your mouse to qu...
[Tools] [Text Compare] How to Compare Two Lengthy JSON String
Problem I have two lengthy JSON String, if I would like to compare the difference between the two JSON string, how to do it? How-To Here...
[Sentry] Fail to Create a New Project via REST API
Problem I am using spring boot to implement web application, and trying to use sentry's rest API to create a new sentry project. I get...
[Testing Tool] Postman
I am using Redmine Rest API to implement my web application. For example, here has developer guide to teach us how to use rest API to find,...
How to Pixelate an Image in PicPick
Pixelation effect essentially lowers the definition of images, while increasing the size of the individual pixels, or dots, that make up im...
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