
How to display Tradition Chinese Character in Git Bash

Why I cannot display Tradition Chinese Character in Git Bash correctly?

You need to edit three files under git\etc

1. edit gitconfig file and append configuration as following:
1:  [gui]  
2:  encoding = utf-8   
3:  #log编码  
4:  [i18n]  
5:  commitencoding = utf-8   
6:  #支持中文路径  
7:  [svn]  
8:  pathnameencoding = utf-8   

2. edit git-completion.bash file and append configuration  as following:
1:  #正常顯示中文  
2:  alias ls='ls --show-control-chars --color=auto'  

3. edit inputrc file and append configuration  as following:
1:  #bash中可以正常输入中文  
2:  set output-meta on   
3:  set convert-meta off  

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