
how to Set JavaBean DataSource in iReport

Setup Classpath

1. iReport --> Preferences

2. Click Classpath tab --> Click "Add Folder"

3. Choose class folder --> Click "Choose"

4. Check "Reloadable" checkbox --> Click OK

Create a new report template
1. File --> New

2. Choose "Blank A4" --> Click "Open This Template"

3. Assign report name and location, Click "Next"

4. Click Finish

5. Right Click -->Edit Query

6. Choose "JavaBean DataSource"-->Assign "class name"-->Click Read Attriutes

7. Choose "selected attributes" --> Click "add selected attributes"

8. Click OK

9. Unfold "Fields", then you can see the attributes we added before will show under Fields

10. Drag "Department" field into template. Then DONE.

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