
How to install JSF in Eclipse 3.6

In this article, you will learn:
  • how to install JSF library in Eclipse 3.6
  • how to verify if my JSF application can run successfully or not

1. create a dynamic web project

2. Given an unique project name, assigned configuration and click Next button

3. Click Next Button

4. Click Next Button

5. Click Download Library to download JSF library (for the first time(

6. Choose JSF 2.0 library and click next button

7. Check the checkbox and click Finish Button

8. Downloading

9. Click Finish button. You had finished your project creation process.

10. Added the two jar files into your classpath.

11. Java Build Path --> Add Jar...

12. selected the two jar files

13. Create a new JSP file

14. Assigned a name which named test

15. Choose JSP Template

16. create a simple JSF file

17. Run on Server

18. Click Finish

19. Check the result

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for such a nice tutorial.

    One thing though when adding JSF libraries it shows jsf-api.jar and
