albert's blog
2017/01 Travel
農禪寺 Taipei 101 鶯歌
[Oracle VirtualBox] VT-x is not available
Problem 當我們參加教育訓練,從講師的硬碟 copy 上課用的 VirtualBox 到自己的電腦後,在啟動的時候發生錯誤,顯示 VT-x is not available 的錯誤訊息 How-to 解決步驟如下: 1. 重新啟動電腦 (restart your...
[Oracle VirtualBox] 在 VirtualBox 中無法連上網路
Problem 當我啟動 VirtualBox 後,發現在 VirtualBox 中無法連上網路,但是在本機是可以連上網路的,此 VirtualBox 的網路設定如下: How-To 網路要設定成 橋接介面卡 ,並指定本機使用到的網路介面卡即可
[Design Pattern] Factory Pattern
Assume I have a juice store, which provide apple juice, orange juice and kiwi juice. As I accept customer's order, I will make juice and...
[Redmine] Fail to Create Project via Rest API again!
Problem I am using Redmine rest api to create project, and had checked the project identifier only allowed lower letter (a-z), numbers, das...
[Redmine] Fail to Create Project via Rest API
Problem I am using Redmine Rest API to create project, but I get this error message: 1 2 3 4 5 6 org . springframework . web . client ...
[Angular2] Services
Requirement It's very common that multiple components may need access to the same code and we don't want to copy and paste the same...
[Angular2] Custom Pipe
Problem I retrieve a collection of data with json data type, the json structure looks like: These data will be displayed in data grid: ...
[VS Code] How to configure proxy setting?
Problem If I would like to change the proxy setting in Visual Studio Code, how to do? How-To Step1. Open setting.json Then you can se...
[Angular2] Fail to install npm package
Problem When I try to install npm package... Command: npm install -g angular-cli@webpack I get this error message: npm ERR! network If...
[Eclipse] "Annotation processor 'lombok.core.AnnotationProcessor' not found"
Problem I fail to startup my Spring boot application, and get this error : "Annotation processor 'lombok.core.AnnotationProcessor...
[閱讀筆記] Wikinomics
Wikinomics的四個原則:openness (開放), peering (對等), sharing (分享) 與 acting globally (全球運作) 現代的企業,與其像音樂、影視業者不斷地建造高聳的藩籬來保護公司的智慧財產與打擊盜版。聰明的企業應該把公司...
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