albert's blog
[閱讀筆記] 圖解國富論 Part 3
進口限制可以幫助一國在短時間內建立起特定製造業,然而這種政策卻會扭曲資本和勞動的自然配置,反而對一國經濟產生不利影響 關稅可以用來調節一國的進出口貿易。但他像一把雙面刃,既能給一國居民帶來極大的收入,也能嚴重傷害一個國家居民的利益 開放自由貿易會在短期內對一國...
[閱讀筆記] 你還在努力省錢來投資理財嗎? Part 3
戴頓大學財金教授Carl Chen的分析發現,如果觀眾立即賣空財經節目大喊買進的股票,效果反而更好 女性大半人生財富少於男性的理由是:女性賺的比較少,卻活比較久 孩子也是造成兩性薪資差距的因素。在第一個孩子出生後,女性的薪資便開始下降,新手爸爸卻賺更多。至於...
2016/05 Travel
Merlion (The Statue of Mermaid-Lion), Marina Bay, Singapore. Marina Bay, Singapore. Marina Bay Sands Supertree Grove, Gard...
[AngularJS] How to implement ng-grid with dynamic cell height
Problem I implement a data grid by means of AngularJs ng-grid. But if the data will not be display completely if its too long. The screen...
How to Get All Sequences in SQL Server
Problem If I would like to get all sequences in Microsoft SQL Server, how to do it? How-To You can use this SQL statement to retrieve a...
Java enum for loop example
Assume I have a enumeration, how do I iterate over all values in enumeration and convert to List of ServiceType bean? ServiceTypeEnum is...
Using Project Lombok to eliminate boilerplate code
What is boilerplate code Boilerplate is the term used to describe sections of code that have to be included in many places with little or n...
[Apache Tika] How to Check File's Media Type?
Problem We have a file upload function, we need to check the file media type is as expected. For example, if the file upload function onl...
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