albert's blog
[閱讀筆記] 問題不能拆開來看
核心問題會一直存在的理由,是因為過去曾採取的矯正行動,導致其他不良效應 夏目漱石:過於理智,容易與人摩擦;順從感情,易遭情緒左右;固持己見,終至窮途末路。總而言之,人世難以安居 所謂的問題,就是目標與現況之間的落差、預期與實際之間的落差 Edwards...
[Git] Why is the egit merge tool disabled in Eclipse
Problem After I create a merge request in GitLab, GitLab remind me this branch cannot be merged automatically. As I open context menu f...
2015/05 Travel
嘉義市立棒球場 光之穹頂 Dome of Light 高雄願景橋 阿勃勒 從忠烈祠鳥瞰高雄 高雄市總圖 鳳儀書院
[JPA] timestamp does not save into database
Problem Here is my entity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 @Entity public class Dbm100f1 implements ...
[Apache POI] How to read empty row in excel file
Problem Here is my excel file I will read excel from top to down, and will start to read from row 4 and write data into database. Here...
[Oracle] How do I get column's data type in Oracle
Problem If I have table name and column name, how do I get its data type in database? Solution Here is the sql statement to retrieve ...
[iReport] Remove Pagination
Problem I am using iReport as my report design tool. And export to excel report as bellows: It apply pagination feature in excel file, ...
[Maven] Error instantiating builder ‘org.eclipse.m2e.core.maven2Builder’.
Problem My eclipse had shut down unexpectedly. As I restart eclipse, and try to do maven clean. The console show this error message ...
[閱讀筆記] 彼得林區學以致富
你未來的富裕不只是取決於你賺多少錢,還要看你如何善用這些錢來儲蓄與投資 Isaac Newton 曾說:我可以計算天體的運動,但無法計算人的瘋狂 當你成為一家公司股東後,只有公司成功你才賺得到錢,但大部份公司無法成功,這就是買股票的風險,你都持有股票的公司最後可能...
2015/04 Travel
九份 無耳茶壺山 不厭亭 黃金瀑布 陰陽海 大肚美人山
How to sort list of Java object with multiple fields
Problem Assume I have a Java bean which named Fms432fa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 ...
org.springframework.orm.jpa.JpaSystemException: null id generated for:class {0}
Problem Here is my table schema with composite key Owning to this table has composite key, so it will have primary key class and entit...
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