albert's blog
How to Run Stored Procedure in Oracle SQL Developer
Problem Assume I created a stored procedure which named PROC_FMS406R_TAB5_RPT1_STEP1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17...
Utilize Styles to Change Font Color Based on Condition in iReport
Problem Customer ask us to change font color to red if the amount is less than zero. It should look like this: Solution Ste...
How to revert changes in EGit
Assume I have a form bean in gov.nta.dbm.web.dto The form bean is as following: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1...
Checkout remote Git branch
Owing to our software development had been outsourced, here is the delivery process as function completion: As outsourced programmer co...
Utilize CLOC(Count Lines of Code) to count lines of code
Requirement If I would like to count lines of code for each Java program in my Java project, which tool can help me? Solution Go to htt...
How to mock autowired fields via Mockito
Problem Assume we wrote a calculation service which provide add and subtract service. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17...
How to implement indexOf in Oracle
Requirement In Java, we can use indexOf method if we would like to return the index within this string of the first occurrence of the speci...
[閱讀筆記] 史丹佛給你讀得懂的經濟學
所得不均的問題在於流動性,處於所得分配最底層的人會往上升一點,但很少能持續移動到最上層。同樣的,處於所得分配最頂層的人可能會往後退,但很少一直退到最底層 社會救助的兩難,他應該像高空盪韆表演者下方的安全網,緩衝你掉落的力道,也幫助妳再彈上去。但常常因為社會救助產生就業鎖...
2014/11 Travel
石門水庫 光之穹頂 Dome of Light 駁二藝術特區 E-DA ROYAL HOTEL
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