albert's blog
[AngularJS] How do I conditionally apply CSS styles in AngularJS?
Requirement If the amount value of the last column is less than zero, it should be showed by red color. Solution Step1. create a css f...
2014/06 花蓮
太魯閣砂卡礑步道 夢幻湖 雲山水 林田山林業文化園區 花蓮港-麗娜輪
[Oracle] Use to_char to format a number type column to currency format
Requirement Before formatting..... User hopes to add 1000 separator in amount-related columns, including AMT_A, AMT_B, and AMT_C SELECT...
Parameter(s) [SPEC_FUND] are unresovlable in query string
Problem Here has part of my SQL statement. I faced a weird situation, this SQL statement can be executed successfully in SQL Developer, bu...
最近閱讀了 漫步華爾街 這本書,內容提到穩健投資三原則,筆記一下 原則一、只買未來五年或五年以上,盈餘成長高於平均值的公司 原則二、絕不付出高過真實價值的股價 原則三、尋找有題材的成長股,讓投資人建造空中樓閣 其中一跟三,其實都不容易去做預測,比較能掌握的就是第...
[iReport] How to adjust fileds' height dynamically
Problem Here is my report template in iReport. I have 11 field elements in detail band. The "remarks field" may have mo...
[AngularJS] How to set focus on an input element as loading form
Requirement As we entering this page, user hopes to set focus on the first input element instead of clicking the first input element by m...
以 復華南非幣長期收益基金B 為例 最低認購額: 300000 南非幣 目前南非幣(ZAR)匯率是 2.8480, 折合台幣約105337.0786516854 此檔基金淨值是9.07, 單位數=105337.0786516854(投入金額) / 9.07(...
Calling Stored Procedure using Spring Framework
Problem Owing to our report has performance issue, so I need to adjust SQL statement into store procedure. But how do I call stored procedu...
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