albert's blog
[Apache Maven Problem] org/apache/maven/shared/ filtering/MavenFilteringException
Problem As I build my JavaEE project with Apache Maven in Eclipse, it show this error message in my Eclipse Multiple annotations found at...
201404 Travel
201404 Kyoto
京都某處櫻花 金閣寺 彥根城 平等院 奈良 平野神社 平安神宮
CronMaker - a utility which helps you to build cron expressions
It's a good utility to build cron expression as I use Quartz to write batch program.
SVN error on Eclipse: org.tigris.subversion.javahl.ClientException: Attempted to lock an already-locked dir
Problem As I commit my source code to SVN in eclipse, but Eclipse shut down unexpectedly. After I launch Eclipse again, and try to commit a...
How to set Static IP Address from command line
Requirement Owing I need to move workplace from office to customer site lately, I need to change my laptop's IP address as I change wo...
Bat(Batch) script 執行出現出現中文亂碼問題
Problem I edit a batch script which be used to set IP address netsh interface ipv4 set address name="區域連線" source=static address...
這篇文章不錯 [quote 1]「掌握波段,比殺進殺出要賺得多。」 [quote 2]大盤K值從高處滑落到20附近,就開始買,一路往下買,回彈到80以上,就一路往上賣。 [quote 3]「停損」當然是最重要的一招。 只要持股跌了10%到15%,就該執行停損,認賠出場。...
How do I insert a record if it does not exist in Oracle?
Requirement Here has two report items as following: Each year has its own report items, ex. 102年度--未滿一年之短期融資, 103年度--未滿一年之短期融資, 102年度--...
How to create a Boolean field in Oracle
Problem If we would like to create a field, it will store the information if this datum had create by external system or be added by manual...
How to set the width of modal dialog
Problem User claimed they do not want to see the scroll bar in the modal dialog. How do I set the width of dialog manually? Solut...
Error: ng:areq Bad Argument
Problem I have a html page with 2 tabs. As I entered this page, it occurred javascript errors with "Error: ng:areq" and link ...
Requirement If we would like to do month calculation in SQL, how to do it? Solution Oracle provided a build-in ADD_MONTHs function for u...
How to resolve ORA-01790
Problem When I use UNION ALL syntax to union two select SQL statement, Oracle throw "ORA-01790 expression must have same datatype as c...
2014/02 Travel
Oracle: how to do insert if data doesn't exist
Here is my database schema: Requirement If we cannot find data via ROC_YM, primary key, in FMS415FA, then it should insert specific ROC...
Oracle: how to UPSERT (Update or Insert)
Assume we have a requirement to read text file which sent by external system, and the UPSERT operation either updates or inserts a row in a ...
Create Oracle Function
Here is a SQL statement: SELECT ROC_YM FROM FMS451FA The result is Owning to client's requirement, we need to add slash bet...
Online SQL Formatting Tool
In some situations, we may need to figure out the report bugs via extracting SQL statement from console or log file. But the SQL statement n...
常用JavaScript function整理
//取得今年民國年 function getCurrentYear(){ var date = new Date(); return date.getFullYear() - 1911; } //取得當下月份 functi...
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