albert's blog
Coding Guidelines for the Developer During Development
1)Do use the Transactions in long running queries and many small-small queries 2)DON’T Use SELECT * 3)Avoid explicit or implicit functi...
理財專家給薪水族的忠告:如果你需要拿錢回家養家,那麼一定要遵守。如果有人養你,則另當別論。 記得以前有位同事離職前多拉了幾個人走,以為會對公司的業務造成影響,經我觀察的結果做了結論:完全沒有影響,缺人找人,頂多資深員工辛苦點,對公司來說,「所有員工在職時都很重要,離職後都不...
別跟那些沒有個人生活的老闆 別跟那些總是遷怒於你的老闆 別跟那些總是扮演搞笑角色的老闆 別跟總是掙扎求生的老闆 別跟那些總是誇誇其談的老闆 別跟那些總是和你爭的老闆 避免那些總是說個不停的老闆 別跟那些總是忙忙碌碌的老闆 別跟那些沉迷於聲色犬馬的老闆 別跟那些...
Failed to Apply Thousand Seperator / Text Pattern
Problem I had set the text pattern to "#,##0", but it is not working. Here is the setting in iReport But it does not work a...
8 Common Code Violations in Java
Format source code and Organize imports in Eclipse Avoid multiple returns (exit points) in methods Simplify if-else methods Do not cre...
Best Practices to Make Life Easier for the Programmer
Constants Should you ever need a variable that is not changing over time (or in many cases just one time), you should use constants. Const...
2012/08 神戶京都之旅
風見雞館 北野異人館街一隅 北野異人館街的星巴克 Kobe Tower 神戶港夜景 Kyoto Tower 琵琶湖煙火 伏見稻荷神社 藝妓回憶錄拍攝場景 奈良公園 宇治川煙火
Clear IE Cache Through Command Line
Scenario Owing to Microsoft IE will cache JavaScript, CSS files, so it may not recognize when we update JavaScript or CSS files. We need ...
1. 在不同專案間調動人力,或不斷換人處理專案。 2. 缺乏適當規劃所造成的浪費。 3. 每次救火都會產生浪費。 4. 超時加班導致浪費。 5. 當專案變調或取消,就會產生浪費。 6. 士氣低落所導致的浪費。 7. 多工也會造成浪費。 http://topic....
What's difference between an empty string and a null value
Question: What is the difference between an "empty" value and a "null" value? Answer: An empty string is treated as ...
7 Application Deployment Best Practices
Keep the installation structure SIMPLE. Always get rid of old files. Automate it Don’t over do it with the symlinks Delete everythi...
Top 7 programmers bad habits
1. The all code is crap, except mine, attitude. 2. The “I fix that in a second” catastrophe. 3. The “That will only take a second” miscon...
10 project management lessons from the Titanic disaster
1: You need to know what you’re measuring Frederick Brook says, milestones should be objectively measurable. If you do not have valid meas...
Becoming A Better Developer
Motivation If you’re not growing, you’re dying… Confidence Good developers are usually quite confident in their abilities. Why? Becau...
Apache Commons應用 - CollectionUtils
Requirement 報表輸出結果,應該依序輸出「營業事業所得稅」、「綜合所得稅」、「遺產稅」、「贈與稅」、「貨物稅」、「菸酒稅」、「證券交易稅」、「期貨交易稅」、「營業稅」、「特銷稅」。如果沒有資料,該稅別要顯示出來,數字要顯示0。結果如下, 根據us...
Stop Redeploying in iReport Development
Context 以下是本案的project structure: 所有的jrxml放在jasperreports folder中,當jrxml有異動,處理程序如下: 1. 執行maven build 2. 將jrxml compile成jasper file會搬到...
iReport print when expression 應用
Requirement 在報表呈現的內容,每筆資料之間,需要有間隔的虛線如下 Problem 原本iReport designer中的作法,是將line放在detail band中的fields下方,screenshot如下: 但是此舉,在最後一筆資料,也會出現分...
Project Manager and Subject Matter Expert
對於project manager這個角色,到底需不需要有技術能力,一直是常在爭論的議題。 這篇文章倒是給了一個不錯的答案:『有會更好』 他提到了,如果是technical project manager可以帶來幾個好處 遇到問題的時候,他更能掌握問題的難度,更能掌...
5 Reasons Why Software Quality Matters to your Business
Predictability Do it once and do it right, and there will be less re-work, less variation in productivity and better performance overall. ...
12 Ways to Become a Better Programmer
1. Read Other People’s Code Reading other people’s code will allow you to understand different points of view in problem solving as well a...
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