albert's blog
iReport : Reprint header
Problem When I export my report to pdf format, the data split into multiple pages. The report header should print for each page, ...
發掘部屬強項 : 了解部屬的優點,才能適才適所、將對的人放在正確的位置上,以發揮更大的生產效能 與部屬分享資訊 : 了解公司的使命、清楚該為何而戰 傾聽部屬心聲 : 唯有放下成見,願意閉上嘴巴、聆聽部屬心聲,主管才能對員工產生影響力,創造更大的績效 保護部屬 ...
15 Tenets For The Software Engineer
Remember the basics : If you forget the basics of a programming language, you lose your foundational knowledge. Always assume the wors...
Autotab: jQuery auto-tabbing and filter plugin
Requirement We have five input text fields in this page. As we filled in 3 characters in dlv_unit(移送單位), system should automaticall...
iReport : text alignment
Requirement Utilize JasperReports to print name and adrress on envelope. Name and addess should print from top to down. Concerning tex...
Apply IS_IGNORE_PAGINATION when export to CSV in JasperReports
Problem I'm writing a report which needs to be exported to pdf and CSVformat. when output format is CSV, it should be ignore paginati...
20 Database Design Best Practices
Use well defined and consistent names for tables and columns (e.g. School, StudentCourse, CourseID ...). Use singular for table names (i....
50 Most Frequently Used UNIX / Linux Commands (With Examples)
› 1. tar command 2. grep command 3. find command 4. ssh command ...
ORA-12704: character set mismatch
Problem As I execute this SQLstatement 1: SELECT .....(ignore) 2: CASE 3: WHEN NIGT001.TAX_CD='15' 4: ...
4 tips to improve performance of Java application with database
Java database performance tips 1: Find out how many database calls you are making and minimize those believe it or not if you see perf...
Java Comparator Example
If you have a List of the employee objects then you need to use Collections.sort() method to sort the list holding employee objects. Below ...
5 Skills for Tech Leads
1) Development You should be a developer, and a good one. 2) Release Management Your main job is to resolve needs and roadblock...
How Larry Page Changed Meetings At Google After Taking Over Last Spring
Every meeting must have one clear decision maker. If there's no decision maker -- or no decision to be made -- the meeting shouldn...
iReport 直式/橫式報表
需求 根據User所選擇要輸出橫式或直式的格式,分別輸出符合指定格式的報表 若user選擇列印格式為橫式 就輸出橫式報表 若user選擇列印格式為直式 就輸出直式報表 作法 - 橫式報表 由於iReport建立template後,...
Winners and Losers in Business Open-Source Software
Application Server/Web Server: Trending Up: Node.js and NGINX Trending Level: Tomcat and Apache HTTP Server Trending Down: JBoss and G...
How to create barcode in iReport
Here is a simple example to create barcode in iReport Scenario 1. As user click "Preview" in iReport, it will show dialog to in...
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