albert's blog
Java Tools: Source Code Optimization and Analysis
Below is a list of some tools that can help you examine your Java source code for potential problems:
[Java] 字串半型轉全型
Problem 使用者希望所輸入的地址,在存入資料庫的時候,能夠將數字的部份轉成全型,這樣列印起來比較美觀。 How-To 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 ...
Handling JPA lifecycle event using listeners and callbacks
Problem As we manipulate table, we need to insert values into user id(使用者代號), timestamp(西元年) and update date(民國年) as we do insert or update...
Using jQuery and Ajax to load sub-sections of a webpage
Ajax powered tab sets Tabs can; broadly-speaking, be loaded in three different ways: Immediately loaded – i.e. when the webpage has loaded,...
Controlling the width/height of the button
Problem By default, the dimensions of the button is automatically set to the dimensions required to accommodate the content inside, such as ...
The Principles of Good Programming
› 1. DRY - Don’t repeat yourself 2. Abstraction Principle 3. KISS (Keep it simple, s...
Building DropDown Menu Using jQuery and JSON
Scenario We have six dropdown menus where we populate violation number (違章編號) and will be triggered on onBlur event. Screenshot jQuer...
Eugene H. Krabs
昨天看到一本書,上面是這樣寫的:『當一個人被剝奪做出重要決策的機會,它就會開始把所有能做的決定,都當 成是重要決策。他會開始挑剔歸檔的方式,強烈希望每支鉛筆都被削的很尖,渴望確定窗戶事打開(或關上)的, 並且傾向使用兩到三種不同顏色的筆。』 ㄎㄎㄎ,有點身歷其境的感覺唷
Project Plan
長官們往往把規劃擱置一旁,總是先做當天沒這麼重要卻比較緊急的工作。 最後,等到不能再拖下去的時候,就匆匆忙忙地為重大任務訂出計畫,然後很不明智的把拙劣的計畫變成具體的、不能改變的目標,進而帶領團隊往這個目標前進。結果,任務還沒開始正式執行,整個團隊就因為準備不周而筋疲力竭。
緊急 != 重要
緊急的事情,不等於重要的事情。 常常總是在下午三、四點接到email,要在下午五點以前繳交報告或統計數據。此時,就要放下手邊重要的事情,去做長官交辦的緊急的事情,反倒讓重要的事情進度落後,長官在回過頭來檢討為什麼進度落後。這樣豈不荒謬、可笑!
Project Delay
在專案進度嚴重落後時,長官們總是為了要更進一步掌控各個組別的細部進度,了解問題出在哪裡,導致開會次數與報告書變多,因此最重要的工作反而無法進行。更嚴重的是,工作場所的工作氣氛會變得更惡劣,員工的工作動機也會下降,反而讓專案進度更加落後。 這樣的錯誤,總是在不同的公司,重複上演,沒...
Building Auto-Completion Using jQuery and JSON
Scenario As I filled in violation number, system should fill out its related column on onBlur event of violation number(違章編號). [it will r...
Wrapping JPQL Query Results with Instances of Custom Result Classes
JPA supports wrapping JPQL query results with instances of custom result classes. This is mainly useful for queries with multiple SELECT exp...
Avoid Producing Unnecessary Empty Columns as Export CSV File
Problem it's our report resign in iReport export to csv file it has many unnecessary empty columns in csv file Root Caluse / Solution Be...
Fail to Concat String with $V{PAGE_NUMBER}
Problem I would like to concat String with $V{PAGE_NUMBER} As I want to do preview in iReport, it show this error message in iReport consol...
Apache Tiles Quick Start
Tiles concepts Tiles is an implementation of the Composite View pattern. Tiles adds to this pattern its own concepts to make the pattern co...
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