albert's blog
Plugin Flex Formatter in your Flex Builder
1. Go to download zip file from 2. As you unzip it, you can find out three jar files 3. Navig...
Insall Flex SDK on Mac
1. go to download Flex SDK: 2. open terminal 3. Type in cd ~ . Move to home di...
Install debug version of flash player
If you do not install debug version of flash play, you will get this warning message in Flex Builder as you run debug mode 1. Go to http://w...
How to change IBM WebSphere Business Modeler language settings
By default, the language used in the WebSphere® Business Modeler user interface and messages is determined by the locale setting on your com...
five technologies that will keep shaping the web in 2010
1. CSS3, HTML5 and Fonts as a Service 2. Ways we browse the web 3. Social media 4. JavaScript 5. Software as a Service (SaaS) http://sixrevi...
VTD-XML: The Future of XML Processing
Check out this SlideShare Presentation: VTD-XML: The Future of XML Processing View more presentations from Guo Albert .
SLF4J (Simple Logging Facade for Java)
Check out this SlideShare Presentation: SLF4J (Simple Logging Facade for Java) View more presentations from Guo Albert .
Thoughts on Java logging and SLF4J
30 Best Eclipse Plugins
Eclipse Tips and Shortcuts
› Shortcuts Most Common Delete line ctrl + d Go to Method ctrl + o Format Code ...
Utilize Telerik Reporting to build bar chart
Check out this SlideShare Presentation: Utilize Telerik Reporting to build bar chart View more presentations from Guo Albert .
nHibenrate Exception: Unable to locate appropriate constructor on class [Persistence.vo.CaseTypeReportBean, Persistence]
I'm using aggregate functions in my HQL, it looks like this and the CaseTypeReportBean is as bellowing But as I run this fu...
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