
Apache Maven Quick Start

M2Eclipse Installation

1. Select Help > Install New Software. This should display the "Install" dialog.
2. Paste the Update Site URL into the field named "Work with:" and press Enter.
Pressing Enter should cause Eclipse to update list of available plugins and components.
m2eclipse Core Update Site: http://m2eclipse.sonatype.org/sites/m2e

3. Click Next

4. Choose "I Accept...", and click Next

5. downloading M2Eclipse jar files

6. Restart Eclipse

Create a Maven Project

1. New a project --> Maven Project

2. Click Next

3. Choose"maven-archetype-qiickstart", and click next

4. fill in group id, artifact id, version. Click finish.

5. Your Maven Project had been created.

6. Go to find out specific jar file: http://mvnrepository.com. For example, I would like to use commons lang in my maven project.

7. Choose specific jar file

8. Copy dependency tag to my pom.xml


9. You can find out commons-lang-2.5.jar had been downloaded.

10. I can import StringUtils in my class.


Subversive Plug-in Installation

Install Subversive plug-in

1. open eclipse, Help-->Install New Software

2. Download Subversive from http://download.eclipse.org/technology/subversive/0.7/update-site/ . Choose required option to install.

3. Click Finish button.

4. Download in progress.

5. Restart eclipse

Install Subversive Connector

1. Choose SVN Kit

2. Click Next

3. Click Next

4. Select "I Accept....", click Next

5. Download in progress

6. Restart eclipse

Create Dynamic Web Project From SVN

1. File --> New --> Other

2. Select "Project From SVN", click Next

3. Choose "Create a new repository location", click Next

4. fill in SVN url, user name, and password

5. Click Finish

6. Click Finish

7. Choose Dynamic Web Project, Click Next

8. Assign project name and configuration

9. Click Next

10. Click Next

11. Click Next



Failed to install Subversive plug-in in RSA for WebSphere

As I want to install Subversive plug-in to IBM Rational Software Architect (RSA) 7.5, it complained this strange error message:

Cannot complete the request. See the details.
Unsatisfied dependency: [com.ibm.rational.clearquest.linux.feature.group 7.1100.0.v200912012238] requiredCapability: org.eclipse.equinox.p2.iu/com.ibm.rational.common.core.linux/[7.1100.0.v200912012238,7.1100.0.v200912012238]
Unsatisfied dependency: [com.ibm.rational.clearquest.aix.feature.group 7.1100.0.v200912012238] requiredCapability: org.eclipse.equinox.p2.iu/com.ibm.rational.common.core.aix/[7.1100.0.v200912012238,7.1100.0.v200912012238]
Unsatisfied dependency: [com.ibm.rational.clearquest.solaris.feature.group 7.1100.0.v200912012238] requiredCapability: org.eclipse.equinox.p2.iu/com.ibm.rational.common.core.solaris/[7.1100.0.v200912012238,7.1100.0.v200912012238]

It seems that it have some dependency issues as I install this plug-in.

Solution: uninstall three existing plugins together: Rational ClearQuest AIX Feature, Rational ClearQuest Linux Feature, and Rational ClearQuest Solaris Feature. Then reinstall the Subversive plug-in.

The root cause is still unknown. According to IBM's technical document, it said "This defect is under investigation, and there is no permanent fix at this time." IBM SUCKS!