
Highlighting Odd and Even Rows in JasperReports - Brian Burridge

Highlighting Odd and Even Rows in JasperReports - Brian Burridge: "new Boolean( $V{PAGE_COUNT}.intValue() % 2 ==0 )"

In order to highlight odd or even rows with a background color, in JasperReports, first create a rectangle element with a background of your color choice, and send it to the background (in JasperAssistant, right click on the rectangle, choose Arrange and then Send to Back). Second, use the following expression to set when the element should appear, by placing the expression in the Print When Expression field of the rectangle element. Where the $V{PAGE_COUNT} appears, you can use that, to base it on the row number on the page, or use $V{REPORT_COUNT} to base it on the row within the report. Also, if you are using a group, you can use $V{groupname_COUNT} where groupname is replaced with the name of your group. The expression below will then test the row number within the Page, Report, or Group (whichever you selected) and if its divisible by 2, it will display the rectangle element with the background color.


CAS (Central Authentication Service) Enhancement

  • Why SSO (Single-Sign On)?
  • Central Authentication Service (CAS)
  • CAS Installation
  • As-Is and To-be Process
  • Modification Process


Facelets with Trinidad - Myfaces Wiki

Facelets with Trinidad - Myfaces Wiki

This article is used to explain how to integrate Facelets with Trinidad.


CAS Demo Application Installation

CAS Demo Application Installation

including troubleshooting (CAS Demo App. cannot be running correctly)