
Ports and protocol which had been used by Windchill

Http: 80
JavaRMIServlet: 5001~5010
ProjectLink Meeting port: 5620~5660

Therefore, network administrator should open these ports.


Check Windchill failed queue how-to

1. Go to Site tag and click Utils
2. Go to Queue Manager page
3. Choose failed queue, ex. WfUserWorkQueue
4. pickup one queue entry which had been marked as server, and select 'show' option in dropdown list
5. check error message, ex. wt.workflow.robots.WfInternalMethod:135596
6. used sql statement to figure out which object cause this failed queue.
select t2.businessobjreference, t2.name from WfInternalMethod t1, wfprocess t2 where t1.ida2a2 = 135596 and t1.ida3parentprocessref = t2.ida2a2
7. we can get information from step6.
businessobjreference is VR:wt.doc.WTDocument:136558
name is TPV - Release Workflow_0000000046 - Electronic Component Sample Request Operation Quide A
8. go to search page: apply 0000000046 to number to be our search criteria,
then we can check the related workflow to check what's wrong


Utilized JAXB to generate POJOs automatically -- Green Integration Part II

Utilized JAXB to generate POJOs automatically -- Green Integration Part II

  • Scenario
  • JAXB (Java Architecture for XML Binding)
  • Implementation steps in Green Integration
  • JAXB Usage
  • JAXB Limitations


Follow-up procedure, after installed partslink

Follow-up procedure, after installed partslink

1. Make sure web.xml had define ConfigFile location
2. open windchill shell, change directory to <WT_HOME>\partslink\db\sql
3. login to database, execute make_schema_ora.sql script
SQL> @make_schema_ora.sql
4. Load ACL, execute command: windchill wt.load.WindchillLoader -Application=Windchill.PartsLink

Windchill Quick Backup


1. backup applicationa & configuration, i.e. D:\PTC\Windchill8\codebase

2. backup database, i.e. execute command: exp pdm8/pdm8@WINDDEV file=D:\tmp\database\WINDDEV.dmp log=D:\tmp\database\WINDDEV.log

If any problem occurred, just overwrite codebase and do database import to do system recovery


Windchill Change Password

In past, Windchill does not provide change password function.
Many customers will complain about this.
Now, Windchill 8 M040 had provided.
But default, M040 disabled change password function, we need to turn it on.

1. define in site.xconf

<property name="wt.org.services.userPasswordChangeEnabled" 
          targetfile="codebase/wt.properties" value="true">

2. execute xconfmanager -p in windchill shell

3. restart tomcat, method server. And do not forgot to clean tomcat cache.


OraDoclet - Database Documentation Generator


The purpose of OraDoclet is generation of the detailed database documentation
resembling the JavaDoc style. It is a custom doclet that functions either with the
JavaDoc tool or as a standalone Java application. The documentation generated
has a form of static html files and describes all objects in the given Oracle
database schema.


OraDoclet - Database Documentation Generator


Java 2 Software Development Kit (J2SE SDK) - the new jre isn't working

I have instaled the new j2se development kit 5.0 and jre5.0, but my browser cannot open any applet and Sun Java console. The error is ---- " The Java Runtime Environment cannot be loaded from <\bin\server\jvm.dll> ???!!!

In your "Documents and Settings\username\Application Data" folder you'll probably find a folder named "Sun". Delete that folder (or rename it).

reference: http://forum.java.sun.com/thread.jspa?threadID=567821&forumID=17